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Report Card Information

Standards  Based  Report Cards (Kindergarten through 3rd Grade)

In striving to provide a rigorous, student centered and engaging learning experience for every student, Houston County has revised the manner in which we report on student progress in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. To that end, the district has adopted areporting format for what every child in Kindergarten through 3rd grade should know and be able to do in core content areas.  Our newly adopted Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) describes what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade level in Literacy and Mathematics.  We firmly believe that the SBRC is a significantly more effective tool for communicating student growth within the grade level learning standards set forth by the state of Tennessee.

Standards-Based Grading  Terms

Standards-Based Grading Standards-Based  Grading means that grades support effective teaching and learning. The grades reflect what a student knows and can do related to curricular objectives.
Standards-Based  Assessment Standards-Based Assessment means that students are evaluated to determine if they have met the learning targets established in the curriculum. The criteria is set based on rigorous state standards that all students are expected to learn.
Formative Assessment Formative assessment is the ongoing collection of information that enables teachers to support a student’s continuous progress towards proficiency of academic standards. Formative assessments provide meaningful feedback for students and teachers. Information gained from formative assessment is used to adjust instruction and affect learning prior to summative assessments. Formative assessments are excluded from the course grade.
Summative Assessment Summative assessments are designed to measure a student’s proficiency of the academic standards. Summative assessments are to be administered after sufficient formative assessment and instruction have occurred. Summative assessments are the basis of the course grade.
District Common Standards-Based Report Card Assessment A grade level teacher committee has created summative assessments for each of the Standards-Based Report Card Items. All students within the district will take the same common summative assessments for their grade level. These summative assessments have the rubric on the cover page and will be sent home for families to review after they have been scored.
Rubric A rubric is a tool used by teachers to determine exactly what content students must master to earn a 4, 3, 2, or 1 for each Standards Based Report Card Item. The rubrics used in Houston County were created by teacher committees. There are rubrics for every Standards-Based Report Card Item in 1st Grade.
Performance  Level  Descriptors

Performance Level Descriptors are the numerical values assigned to each level of learning.

  • 4- Mastered - Exceeding district and state level standards. Demonstrates in depth inferences and applications of grade-level concepts.
  • 3- On Track - Meeting district and state level standards. Demonstrates and applies key concepts, processes, and skills for grade level.
  • 2- Approaching - Approaching district and state level standards, with assistance and guidance. Demonstrates understanding of basic concepts, processes, and skills for grade level.
  • 1- Below - Beginning to demonstrate a basic understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills at the grade level. Not yet able to produce work that meets district and state level standards.


Standards-Based Report Card Frequently Asked Questions


Secondary Report Cards (4th and 5th Grade)

The grading scale for  secondary report cards is listed below:

For the 2022-2023 school year and beyond:

Letter Grade GPA Value Percentage  Range
A 4.0 90 - 100
B 3.0 80 - 89
C 2.0 70 - 79
D 1.0 60 - 69
F 0.0 0 - 59


For years prior to the 2022-2023 school year:

Letter Grade GPA Value Percentage  Range
A 4.0 93 - 100
B 3.0 85 - 92
C 2.0 75 - 84
D 1.0 70 - 74
F 0.0 0 - 69