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Assessment Information

The following tests will be administered during the 2024-2025 school year.  For comprehensive information on Tennessee assessments, please visit the Tennessee Department of Educations website.  

TCAP testing time by grade/subject may be found at Tennessee Department of Educations testing times website.

Assessment Name Administration Date/Window Subject(s) Grade(s) Purpose
TCAP Achievement       April 14 -  May 2, 2025 English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies 3 - 5 TCAP Achievement are state-mandated assessments given in the areas of English-Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science to measure student understanding and proficiency of state content standards.  Quick Score results of these assessments will be factored into a student’s final grade in accordance with T.C.A. §49-1-302 and determined by Houston County School Board policy.  Proficiency results from the achievement tests will be communicated to parents via an Individual Performance Report sent home at the start of the following school year. 
TCAP Grade 2 Achievement       April 14 -  May 2, 2025 English Language Arts and Math 2 This is an optional state achievement test that measures student proficiency toward content standards in Reading and Math.  Results are returned to the district during the summer of the concluding year.  Scores will be communicated to parents via an Individual Performance Report sent home at the start of the following school year. 
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Fall:    September 9 - December 20, 2024  English Language Arts and Math 2 - 8; 11 The DLM is an state-mandated, alternative assessment for the TCAP Achievement tests in English-Language Arts and Math.  It is designed for students with the most severe cognitive disabilities.  Students who will participate in this assessment will have it documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).  Parents will receive a report of the results of this assessment with explanations of proficiency levels. 
Spring:    February 3 - May 15, 2025
TCAP - Alternative   March 10 -  April 25,  2025 Science and Social Studies 2 - 8; 10 Students with the most severe cognitive disabilities will participate in the state-mandated TCAP-Alt in Science and Social Studies. Individuals who will participate in this assessment will have it documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).  Parents will receive a report of the results of this assessment with explanations of proficiency levels.
ELPA 21 for English Learners February 3 - March 28, 2025 Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing K - 12 English Learners (EL) will take the ELPA21 for ELLs to determine language proficiency.  ELPA21 assesses students in the four-language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Brigance K-1 Screener May 2025   Entering Kindergartners The Brigance is administered locally to all students entering kindergarten.  It measures basic skills in academics/cognition, motor, and language to assess school readiness and determine specific strengths and weaknesses.  The Brigance is locally administered and scored.  Screening results are shared with parents/guardians at the end of the Kindergarten registration process.
AimsWeb Assessments  July 29 - August 9, 2024  ; Quarterly Early Literacy, Reading, and Math PreK - 5 AimsWeb Assessments are administered at the start of each school year to all students in order to determine student need and placement in intervention tiers.  Parents are notified via letter if their child requires intervention.  The tests are also administered quarterly as benchmark assessments to determine if students are progressing as expected in reading and math skills.
iReady Math July 29 - August 9, 2024  ; Quarterly Math K - 5 iReady is a mathematics diagnostic test administered to all students at the start of the school year to identify student needs down to the sub-skill level.  Student performance determines placement in intervention tiers.  Parents are notified via letter if their child requires intervention.  iReady provides ongoing progress monitoring that shows whether students are on track to achieve end-of-year targets. 
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4) May 2025   Entering Pre-Kindergarten The DIAL-4 is administered locally to all students applying and registering for the Voluntary Pre-K class.  It measures early skills in the areas of motor, speech and language, concepts, self-help, and social development.  The DIAL-4 is locally administered and scored.  Results from this assessment will be shared with parents upon entering the Pre-K class.
Testing Coordinators
District Testing Coordinator
School Testing Coordinators
Erin Elementary School